zaterdag 10 augustus 2019

Capsule review: Mauro Pawlowski - Rocket to a minute ago (2006)

Everything came out in 2006. Besides albums from Possessed Factory, the Love Substitutes, Otot, Othin Spake, Bum collar and Horns, Mauro found a release valve for his home recordings in the world of podcasts, releasing two odds and sods demo collections, of which this is the first (The Neither Songbook).
I break it down like this:
0'00 - acoustic introduction
1'38 - ominous instrumental (Somnabula-style)
4'21 - street noise interlude
5'01 - 'Be my baby'
8'11 - slide guitar instrumental (Paris, Texas-style)
12'16 - noise interlude
13'00 - acoustic guitar chant 1
15'29 - piano and industrial sounds
20'33 - 'Themeparks of the world' (?) (acoustic songdemo)
23'57 - Secret guitar-style instrumental
27'56 - synthbeat interlude
28'18 - acoustic guitar chant 2
29'20 - 'Dream of the year' (?)
32'23 - heavy bass groove
34'51 - acoustic guitar chant 3 (with coughing)

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