woensdag 31 juli 2019

Capsule review: Burt Bacharach - In concert (1974)

You never see this album on those lists of great '70s live albums. Maybe they should've done a sidelong version of 'Close to you' with drum solo and talkbox. Regardless, it's great. As lawsuits erupt between Burt, Hal and Dionne, Hal went into movies, Dionne changed her name, and Burt finds refuge on the road. His stage patter is tremendously stiff ('This. Is. Don't ... Make. Me over'). I only mention it because the band (orchestra?) is swinging. There's a drum eruption in 'Promises promises' that gets me out of my seat everytime. Could've been a drum solo, but he justs plays it under the song. Now there's a thought.

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