woensdag 4 november 2015

Capsule review: Taxiwars - Taxiwars (2015)

You know the scene. Maybe you've been there too many times already. I have.
Dark is falling. Heavy clouds hang over the road. You're driving your car along the highway. Ominous thoughts cloud your mood. It's raining.
It's all gone to shit.
Sometimes you care, other times not.
You turn on the radio.
Not 'Riders on the storm', not this night. This isn't about hitchhikers. It's your life.
Another channel.

A dark groove, upright bass locked in with tomtoms – heavy clusters of notes. A saxophone playing something that should resemble a theme, but it just doesn't care enough. He's as far gone as you.
The singer steps up. No singing, just talking. The same words over and over. You better stop that ride. You're on a death ride. This is how you feel.
He tries to act hard, a real couldn't give a fuck hardcase. He's not. It's all too clear. He's got too many nervous tics. He's walking a tightrope and he's going to fall off. There's a real risk he'll look like a fool in the end. He knows, but he pushes on.

Two minutes in a single synth chord falls in and draws the performance into deeper water. The drummer, the bassplayer, the saxophonist – they're fighting it. They're sucked into its vortex. It's getting out of control. At 3'20 the bass picks up the theme and the saxophone jumps off the cliff.

That's Taxiwars.

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