woensdag 30 december 2015

360 records from 2000: 33. Grand drive: True love and high adventure

Country: UK
Artist: Band
Career: recording since 1997, 2nd album
Language: English
Genre: Pop / Rock

The harmonising brothers Wilson sound so filled with genuine emotion (‘welled up’ is almost accurate) that if they’d say they’re going to tell you what true love is, you’d believe them. These are expansive mid-tempo (or slower) songs about big feelings in ordinary men and women, arranged for some kind of British E Street Band raised on country rock.

It’s easy to get cynical about such an outburst of genuine human emotion, seemingly unfiltered by notions of cool or composure. It’s got to be a put-on. But I wouldn’t take that bet and sit next to them at a wedding or a funeral. I wouldn’t want to ruin my suit. On record though, it’s nearly perfect balladry. They slip up at the final hurdle when they drag in the fairground organ for the last track – I hate fairground music! Yes, that means you, Smokey, and you too, Stevie! – but I won’t tell ‘em. I wouldn’t want to ruin the suit.

At its best: Wheels, A ladder to the stars, Nobody’s song in particular

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